Slate & Slate Roofing

Do You Need a Salem Roofing Contractor to Deal with Snow on Your Roof?

Snowy Roof

If your roof gives you issues after it snows, you should call a Salem roofing company immediately.

The Willamette valley doesn’t see a lot of snow, generally. At least in most areas. Salem roofing contractors aren’t generally accustomed to dealing with snow on roofs. While it can create a problem for your home or business if your roof has a leak, snow is generally harmless for roofs. It can even help point out any insulation problems your home might have! That’s a pretty cool benefit you can derive from this winter’s snowfall.

After snow falls and your roof is coated in a fresh layer, take a look at your roof from the ground and note any places that seem to be melting more rapidly than others. Compare the melting speed of the snow on your roof to the melting speeds of the snow on your neighbors’ roofs. If you have any quick melting occurring, you have got a problem and need to call a top-notch Salem roofer as quickly as possible, otherwise you’re just throwing money away! What this means is that your home is poorly insulated and you have a great deal of heat escaping through your roof. Our area in Oregon falls under Zone 4 in’s insulation recommendations. You need to make sure you get the proper type and amount of insulation installed in your attic. This will help you save major money on your heating and cooling costs.

If you are concerned that the snow is causing your home problems, consider buying a pair of roof cleats for traction and shoveling off your roof. This is not generally necessary. If you do decide to do this, be very careful, as your risk of falling is much higher than it normally would be. You might need to shovel snow off of your roof if there has been a substantial amount of snowfall and you can see visible sagging due to the additional weight. If this is the circumstance, you should also call a roofing contractor immediately. Your roof’s structure might need reinforcement. Additionally, if your roof springs a leak, you should attempt to clear snow from that area of your roof.

We see snow as an opportunity to gather diagnostic information about the health of your roof and insulation. Be safe and try to avoid getting on your roof. Look out for signs of ice damming and be extra cautious around icicles. Seriously, 15 people die a year from falling icicles in the U.S.!